Net Zero by SCAPE
What is net zero?
With a climate crisis on our hands, the term net zero is used across the industry but what does it mean? Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas created and emitted, and the amount taken away from the atmosphere.
We will achieve net zero when the amount we add to the atmosphere does not exceed the amount taken away. The UK was the first major economy to set a legally binding target to be net zero by 2050. But how do you get there?
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Your journey to Net Zero
To find out how we can support your journey to net zero, leave your contact details and one of our sustainability team will be in touch.
Contact usOur approach
Our direct award frameworks, property services and innovative design approach can support your transition to net zero.
Low carbon places strategy
Discover place decarbonisation as a route to creating better connected, resilient communities.
Financing net zero
Access support for your net zero business case to help you gain the right funding.
Net zero new build
The RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge calls for rapid action to design all new buildings to net zero standards by 2025, and build them by 2030.
Housing retrofit
Implement retrofit solutions to your existing housing stock, with technology that improves energy efficiency.
Decarbonising public and commercial buildings
Accelerate the decarbonisation of your commercial and civic buildings with retrofit solutions.
Sustainable use of resources
Take active steps to reduce waste and promote the sustainable use of resources within construction.
Net zero buildings in use
Maximise the effective use, operation and maintenance of your buildings to ensure low emissions.
Low carbon energy
Reduce local and national emissions by developing an energy strategy and procuring low carbon power.
Flood prevention
Adapt your infrastructure to protect communities from the rising risk of flooding due to climate change.
Enhance your natural capital using natural assets to support sustainable communities.
Transitioning to electric vehicles
Create the infrastructure for electric vehicles and support community adoption to achieve your net zero targets.
Active travel
Improve the experience of using active transport for urban journeys to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Reconnecting places
Decarbonise your transport systems and develop local, place-based strategies that increase connectivity.
Research and development
Discover how we are pioneering new approaches and solutions for your projects through collaborative activities.
Resource library
Access key resources and guidance that can support your net zero journey.