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Net Zero by SCAPE

Natural infrastructure and biodiversity

The concept of ‘natural capital’ means treating our natural environment, biodiversity and habitats as assets that can support sustainable communities.

As the value of natural resources grows, we can provide dedicated habitat creation projects and ensure your project includes biodiversity enhancement.

It's in our nature

Forests, peatland and aquatic habitats all store carbon, and we need to protect and restore them as part of achieving net zero, through direct investment and offsetting schemes.

Recent events have highlighted the importance of natural assets in urban settings. These green spaces are critical for the wellbeing and health of our local communities.

Regulatory and public works funding systems in the UK need us to consider natural infrastructure.

Treasury assessment of business cases and local planning systems are increasingly looking at biodiversity enhancement and urban greening factors in new developments, and specific grants are available, such as those held by Nature Scot.

Through our performance-managed Consultancy framework we are able to enhance the natural capital in your communities.

Business case 1
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Tree planting

Enhancing natural infrastructure

Our partners can support you in the delivery of natural capital, as part of your construction projects, or as the sole purpose of an investment.

Projects to deliver natural infrastructure are becoming increasingly important as we rebalance our impact on the environment.

  • Designing with nature in mind
  • Microhabitat creation
  • Supporting local ecosystems

The impact of construction

Biodiversity enhancement is promoted and supported across our projects.

Equally, by selecting delivery partners that can effectively manage and account for carbon in construction and infrastructure projects, we also offer the ability to deliver offsetting solutions to support your net zero project ambitions.

  • Biodiversity enhancement offered to every client through our Civil Engineering framework
  • Clear commitments in our new Construction frameworks

Start your net zero journey

Our teams are ready to support your transition to net zero.

To discuss the next steps, please get in touch.