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Net Zero by SCAPE

Key resources

We aim to maintain and curate a useful library of resources to support your net zero journey.

The library has a wealth of information from government papers and roadmaps to research, case studies and articles that give you further advice and support.

If you have a suggestion for an addition that would add value, please let us know.


  • Know your estate: understand the carbon footprint of what you have now, how much energy do your buildings use and how energy efficient are they.
  • Planning and strategy: work out how you’re going to get from where you are to where you want to be. Ask yourself as an asset operator what do I have to do to get to net zero.
  • Interventions: ask yourself is this a one hit fix or if I am going to retrofit progressively with small interventions.
  • Target setting: work out in specific terms, the building performance you want. Prioritise what is important in a project. Setting building performance and whole life carbon targets is a huge motivational factor on your team and the project supply chain.
  • Delivery: get a collaborative team to work to deliver those targets. You can no longer afford the inefficiency of working in silos. Put your project team together at the earliest stage.
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Decarbonising transport

Resources and technical guidance about decarbonising transport including the transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs).

Start your net zero journey

Our teams are ready to support your transition to net zero.

To discuss the next steps, please get in touch.