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Net Zero by SCAPE

Sustainable resources and reducing waste

We take active steps to reduce construction waste and to promote the more sustainable use of resources.

By making waste reduction a target across all of our frameworks and through the use of the Construction Waste Portal, we aim to deliver lasting change in construction waste management.

The race to reduce waste

Effectively applying the waste hierarchy to the management of projects and using the principles of a circular economy can substantially reduce carbon and revolutionise construction.

In support of this approach, we are working with the Construction Waste Portal to develop waste benchmarking, forecasting and performance measurement in our frameworks.

The portal is a digital tool, built on the waste management data from over 900 completed construction projects. The portal uses algorithms to improve material use in construction projects, facilitating the tracking of waste and its embodied carbon – estimates, actuals and targets.

By connecting waste producers to waste managers, we aim to make it easier for the construction sector to maximise resource efficiency to the highest possible environmental standards.

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Building Surveyor

A proven track record

We have a proud and well-established track record in reducing the volumes of construction waste transferred to landfill from projects, with our recent frameworks consistently delivering rates of recycling above 95%.

Working with our construction sector partners, we recognise that we must go beyond recycling; moving up the waste hierarchy and reducing waste arisings (and the associated carbon emissions) at source across the construction project lifecycle.

Our framework partners are invited to establish their own targets for reduction in waste intensity over the life of our frameworks, and to identify a target for each project specifically at the outset.

Addressing the Waste Hierarchy


Through efficient design, construction and manufacturing processes, we can reduce the total volume of materials used in our buildings and structures, which reduces the energy used in production, and the associated emissions that are created as a result.

Similarly, ensuring high quality, sustainable materials and components are used means they will last longer, and may not need to be replaced - or will be replaced less frequently - during the building's lifespan.

  • Efficient design
  • Modern methods of construction
  • Sustainable materials


Re-using and re-purposing products and materials, through the application of circular economy principles in design and manufacture, can prevent the energy and emissions involved in the intensive extraction and production of new products.

Whether items are used in other construction projects, or as part of community projects, they can be extremely useful, and generate both a cost saving and a reduction in carbon.

  • Circular economy principles
  • Smart design and manufacture
  • Longevity from quality components


Already widely adopted, but with room for improvement, recycling can also avoid the extraction of new raw materials in the production of products, and it is often cheaper than waste collection and disposal.

  • Reducing carbon emissions
  • Conserving natural resources
  • Protecting nature and the environment

Contact us

Our teams are ready to support your transition to net zero. To discuss your next steps, please get in touch.

The Construction Waste Portal

Contact their team who will help you to maximise resource efficiency to the highest environmental standards.