Learning in lockdown
Digital work experience
In May, we launched Learning in Lockdown, a virtual work experience programme for students aged 14-15.
More than 300 schools and many thousands of students from across the UK joined Learning in Lockdown. The initiative was supported by over 150 people from 32 of the biggest names in construction, giving 224 hours of their time.
Overall, we saw some fantastic results from the initiative - great feedback from students, teachers and industry alike. Some amazing submissions from the student and with many that will now undoubtedly consider a career in construction.
Throughout the week, we measured the success of the initiative and over a 30 hour period, we saw £192,856 of Social Value created, equating to £6,429 of Social Value per hour and a 4:1 social return on investment.
How it worked
We operated on a not-for-profit basis with our partners, to create a week long remote work experience programme.
The scheme ran for 5 full days. Here's how our team of experts came together:
- Class Of Your Own provided the syllabus, learning resources and guidance for teachers, schools and students. The week will be based around a design challenge for teams of young people that will utilise the full breadth of the STEM subjects
- Learn Live managed the broadcast and interactive online experience to engage the thousands of participants
- The scheme has been fully audited and provided all participating young people who submitted an entry at the end of the week with a Silver Industrial Cadets award and would become a part of the national Industrial Cadets accreditation network
- The Social Value Portal monitored and reported upon the social value generated throughout the whole initiative
Meet the delivery team
Supported by the best in the industry
Learning in Lockdown created a 4:1 social return on investment
and some truly awe inspiring designs!
What's included?
Build UK Work Experience Guide
Take a look at the Build UK "Future Building' work experience guide, produced in collaboration with Class of Your Own and the Department for Work and Pensions for the construction industry.
This guide is designed to make it as easy as possible for companies to offer work experience placements that provide a stepping stone into longer term work or training.