
Working together as one team

Creating value, not complexity

Projects often involve large numbers of people – from internal and external stakeholders, tier 1, 2 and 3 contractors and temporary or part-time workers, which means the points of contact are many and varied.

Managing large teams of people and bringing them together to work as an efficient, cohesive unit is part of what we do. This includes ongoing performance management with the contractor, using a strong, specialised local supply chain and making sure that, at every point, everyone is on the same page.

Communicating in a clear, consistent manner and working towards a common goal is essential for projects to be a success. Through early contractor involvement and open dialogue throughout a project, we can gain a clear and deep understanding of the client’s aspirations. Not only what they want to deliver at the end, such as a new school or leisure centre, but also to tease out the social value and community benefits they want to deliver along the way, and how they want to evidence value for money.

It could be as simple as wanting to create jobs and upskill the local workforce. Perhaps they have longer-term aspirations for the regeneration of an area, or to create a legacy for future generations. Working with our clients in an open and honest manner and leveraging the expertise of our delivery partners helps us deliver the best solution for them.

Strong relationships

Our business really is about relationships and people - with collaboration sitting at the heart of our One Team approach. Working closely with our clients, our delivery partners and their supply chain partners ensures we share the same vision of success, utilising specialist and combined expertise. This allows everyone to fully understand the client’s needs and enables them to harness the power of a strong delivery team to secure the best project outcomes are achieved.

Working together in this way also provides an open forum for discussion, where concerns from either the client or contractor can be raised and discussed constructively. With all parties being aligned and pushing towards a common goal, the team can consider creative and innovative solutions.

The power of collaboration

Keeping collaboration at the very centre of a project allows us to grow the trust between the client, the contractor and SCAPE - to increase the transparency and cultivate strong, long-term relationships.

Trust comes from building that initial relationship with the client, to help them understand what SCAPE is about, and how working together we can find the best solution for them.

Darryl Steventon
Development Manager

As a public sector organisation, we are proud of the work we do with local communities. This includes working with Small-Medium Enterprises and Micro-businesses in a sustainable way through our clients’ projects – Giving them greater visibility of pipelines of work, helping them get involved in a variety of projects and generating local economic growth as a result. Over the last 12 years, our projects have engaged over 36,000 SMEs across the UK and generated more than £1,6bn of local investment.

Through our one team approach, everyone is part of the outcomes our clients achieve, feeling proud to have helped improve the spaces we live, work and grow in.

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