Time to Change - Signing the pledge
Time to Change is England’s biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination and is run by the charities Mind and our 2017 Charity of the Year, Rethink Mental Illness.
At SCAPE we want to help break the silence and end the stigma around mental health.
One in four of us will be experiencing a mental health problem at any one time. Nine in ten people who have experienced a mental health problem have faced negative treatment from others as a result. On top of that, the construction industry has a significantly higher rate of mental health problems than other industries, with the average male worker being three times more likely to commit suicide than a male working in another industry.
Signing the pledge is one of our commitments to changing the way we think and act about mental health at every level of our organisation and a promise to continue putting the health and wellbeing of our staff at the heart of everything.
I'm delighted that SCAPE signed the pledge today, committing to further support our employees' health and wellbeing and encouraging more frequent, open conversations about mental health.
Mark Robinson
SCAPE group chief executive
Our Time to Change action plan will include:
- Raising awareness and providing support for employees through mental health awareness training
- Providing easily accessible resources and information on our company intranet
- Promotion and encouraging participation in national campaigns such as Time to Talk Day, World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week
- Recruiting Employee Mental Health Champions to raise awareness and encourage positive conversations across all of our internal teams
Let's end mental health discrimination, together.
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