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Performance Accelerator

Optimise your performance

The Performance Accelerator will help you to assess your organisational maturity and make the right decisions to drive outstanding organisational performance.

This innovative diagnostic tool will help you to objectively assess your organisational performance.

Together, we'll help you to identify the sustainability, productivity and digitisation opportunities that exist in your organisation.

By answering a series of simple questions, you will be able to benchmark your current performance against your peers and review some high level recommendations for you to consider.

We'll then help you to further evaluate and prioritise your objectives and develop a change programme to ensure that your organisational maturity is precisely where it needs to be.

The Performance Accelerator is free to use for all public bodies in the UK and designed to help you to accelerate your organisational potential.

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PA Sustainability 1
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Unlock your performance

Together we'll explore your organisational maturity through a series of simple steps.

The Performance Baseline Assessment is used to measure your organisational maturity and performance against 3 key pillars: sustainability, productivity and digitisation. The findings are benchmarked against your peer organisations. We'll then provide you with a Maturity Assessment, which will give you an overview of your organisational maturity against the three pillars and will feature a series of high level recommendations and next steps.

Developed in partnership

The Performance Accelerator has been developed by Turner and Townsend, a nominated supplier on the SCAPE Place Shaping framework, led by Mace.

Together we will work with you to define the very best outcomes for your organisation and help you to realise your ambitions.

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SCAPE Primary Logo
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How it works

Assess your maturity

The Baseline Assessment is used to measure an organisation’s maturity and performance against the 3 pillars of sustainability, productivity, digitisation.

The findings are benchmarked with peer organisations. This provides a structured overview of the organisation’s maturity against the three pillars and high level recommendations on next steps.

  • Sustainability
  • Productivity
  • Digitalisation

Performance Baseline Assessment

The Assess stage undertakes more detailed analysis where needed, and sets clear objectives and strategy with a change programme to address areas where maturity levels are not in line with expectations.

  • Climate risk reduced | Net zero achieved
  • Efficiency | More for less
  • Smart Assets | Future proofed

Adapt Stage

The Adapt stage delivers the change programme and deploys the strategy, thereby improving capability.

  • Strategic and operational relationship defined
  • Upskilled organisational capability accelerating performance
  • Roadmap implemented and KPIs measured

The Advance stage see the ambitions realised, which could include achieving net zero, a data driven culture with evidence based decision making, an embedded culture of continuous improvement and Return on Investment maximised.

  • Net Zero
  • Enhanced performance, elevate productivity
  • Data driven culture, evidence based decision making
  • Strategic benefits realised and ROI maximised

The Performance Accelerator is a fantastic solution for our public sector colleagues. Together with our partners, we're committed to finding new ways to help you to realise the potential of your organisation.

Mark Robinson
SCAPE group chief executive

Take the test

Accelerate your performance

By following a few simple steps, you will be on the way to identifying your current organisational maturity, where you sit against your peers and what you need to do to realise your potential.


Useful documents

Take a look at our Unlocking Construction resources, which include the draft syllabus for each day of the week and FAQs.