Local Authority

Local Authority

The challenge

Austerity measures implemented over the last five years have brought uncompromising challenges to local government.

In a time of increasing demand for day to day services, the drive to reduce public sector spending has severely affected their ability to meet the property and service needs of the local community. In addition to a reduction to capital expenditure on construction and maintenance, many authorities have deemed it necessary to undertake significant reviews of their internal structures to identify alternative delivery strategies to be implemented with a significantly reduced property team.

Our solution

SCAPE and our framework partners have been working closely with local government over the last decade to provide robust, collaborative and forward thinking solutions to help authorities deliver more for less across their entire estate. With an eclectic mix of design, consultancy, construction, infrastructure and facilities management services, SCAPE is well positioned to help local authorities continue to deliver excellent services and experiences to their community.

How can we help?

Get in touch

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Our team is on hand and are ready to help.