We offer a responsible procurement pathway for different types of organisations and funding sources.
Given the new and innovative ways that the public sector has recently taken to securing funding and delivering projects, the pathway you should take sometimes requires a little investigation.
As a general guide, please see below a simple diagram that explains the questions you need to answer, in order to define which of our procurement approaches is right for you.
You should check whether your organisation is listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, Schedule 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or covered by the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
If it is listed, then your organisation is a public body and can use our frameworks For the Public Sector.
However, given the sources of funding for certain projects, there are some circumstances where a public body should use our frameworks Beyond the Public Sector.
Our teams are on hand to help you with this evaluation, but you should also seek independent legal advice in reaching your decision.
Whichever route you select, we will be ready to accelerate your projects and deliver them to the highest possible standard.