We follow best practice procurement in line with PAS91.
Firstly, we conduct in-depth customer and market research to define our framework requirements and to inform the business case. We allow all potential suppliers to engage with us to collectively define how an economically viable framework might be structured, and to stimulate demand for competition.
Once the framework design has been agreed, a Prior Information Notice (PIN) will be issued to seek interested tenders.
We will host a series of market awareness days, inviting prospective partners to learn about SCAPE’s expectations for the framework. At this point, potential bidders can request individual clarification meetings with our team.
Once the PIN notice period has expired, a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) notice will be issued. At this point, no further meetings will be held with tenders until the formal bid interviews.
The assessment team consisting of SCAPE personnel, external sector experts and our clients is then formed. PQQ submissions will be reviewed by the assessment team who will shortlist six potential providers to proceed to the Invitation To Tender (ITT) stage. All bidders are offered feedback review meetings at this point.
Once the ITT has been issued there is no further contact with any bidder. Existing partners must ensure that their bid teams remain fully excluded from day to day operations and vice versa.
ITT submissions are then reviewed the assessment team, evaluating cost and quality.
In-depth interviews are then conducted with each provider, where a topic for presentation will be advised to the bidder. This interview will be scored and then added to the score matrix. A meeting will be held with the potential successful provider to clarify any matters that remain outstanding.
Once the tender process has been completed, a tender report is prepared and provided to the chair of SCAPE’s Board. If the recommendations are accepted, all bidders will be notified of the result of the tender process.
All bidders are offered feedback during the standstill period. Once the standstill period has expired the result of the tender process is announced.